Name of Project: CSISA Project
Location: KVK, Bhadrak
Proposed Trials:
Trial 1: Evaluate the effect of agronomic and genetic bio-fortification approaches in manual puddled transplanted rice
To compare the indivisual and combined effect of Zn enriched variety and Zn fertilizer application on productivity, profitability and grain quality (Zn content) of rice under manual puddled transplanted rice (PTR) in Odisha.
Trial locations: 5 villages of Bhadrak block
Rice variety: Farmers’ choice var - Swarna and Zn enriched var. DRR Dhan 49
Plot size: At least 500 m2 for each treatment
Treatment Details
Sl. No. |
Treatment |
T1 |
Control: Farmer variety(FV) + No Zn application |
T2 |
Zn-enriched variety (ZV) + No Zn application |
T3 |
FV+ ZnSO4 basal application @25kg/ha + 0.5%Zn foliar spray at grain filling |
T4 |
ZV+ ZnSO4 basal application @25kg/ha + 0.5%Zn foliar spray at grain filling |
Trial 2: Evaluate the effect of agronomic and genetic bio-fortification approaches in manual puddled transplanted rice in Odisha (at KVK farm)
To compare the indivisual and combined effect of Zn enriched variety and Zn fertilizer application on productivity, profitability and grain quality (Zn content) of rice under manual puddled transplanted rice (PTR) in Odisha.
Trial locations: KVK farm
Rice variety: Swarna and Zn enriched var. DRR Dhan 49
Plot size: 200m2 per treatment
Treatment Details
Sl. No. |
Treatment |
T1 |
Control: Farmer variety(FV) + No Zn application |
T2 |
Zn-enriched variety (ZV) + No Zn application |
T3 |
FV+ ZnSO4 basal application @25kg/ha + 0.5%Zn foliar spray at grain filling |
T4 |
ZV+ ZnSO4 basal application @25kg/ha + 0.5%Zn foliar spray at grain filling |
T5 |
FV + Foliar spray of nano-zinc 4ml/litre at grain filling stage |
T6 |
ZV + Foliar spray of nano-zinc 4ml/litre at grain filling stage |
Note: NPK fertilizers and organic manure to be applied as per the recommendation for all the treatments. A gap of 4-5 days between application of phosphorus and Zinc will be given. Other management practices should be same for all treatments.
Trial 3: Evaluate suitable inbreeds and hybrids under transplanted rice in Odisha
To compare the performance of different duration of hybrids and inbreds under transplanted rice for enabling timely planting of succeeding rabi crops in Odisha
Trial locations: 5 farmers’ field of Bhadrak
Rice variety: Swarna, Dhani DT, Arize 6444 Gold, AZ 8433 DT
Plot size: 200m2 per treatment
Sl. No. |
Treatment |
T1 |
Arize 6444 Gold |
T2 |
Dhani DT |
T3 |
AZ 8433 DT |
Best crop management practices should be followed across all treatments
Data Collection:
· Number of tillers/m2 at panicle initiation
· No of panicles/m2 at maturity
· No of grains per panicle at maturity
· No of filled and unfilled grains per panicle maturity
· Days to maturity (seed to seed)
· Test weight (1000 grain weight)
· Lodging percentage at harvest
· Grain Yield (kg/ha)
· Straw yield (kg/ha)
· Grain samples (100 grams from each treatment)
· Cost of cultivation (seed, land preparation, crop establishment, labour, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, harvesting and threshing)